Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Completed My Second Episode

I completed the second episode of my talk show, Meet Jessica Anderson, the Author of "Arriani" at Blog Talk Radio.

Click the link above to listen for the contest question. The first person to answer correctly wins a paperback copy of my book, It's My Turn to Be the Hero: The Escapades of Three Tropical Babyboomers

The contest ends Monday, May 7, 2012 during the 11:00 AM (CT) episode, Up Close and Personal with Lana Killingsworth.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Now You Can Order a Digitally Signed Copy of My Kindle Book

Kindlegraph lets authors send personalized inscriptions and signatures called "kindlegraphs" directly to the electronic reading devices of their fans. Kindlegraph has personalized digital inscriptions for over 15,000 books from 3,500 authors.

To request a personalized copy of the Kindle edition of my book, It's My Turn to Be the Hero: The Escapades of Three Tropical Baby-Boomers (The Tropical Three Musketeers), just click on either link below.